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Tumbleweed Ministry is a unique non-denominational entity dedicated solely to the Gospel as presented in the Bible, which encompasses both the Old and the New Testaments.


God has established this ministry to serve Him according to His will and direction. Roger Early, an ordained minister and chaplain, brings a wealth of experience, having served the Lord for an impressive 41 years across the United States.











Roger believes he is a "sower," not a "reaper." Time and again, God has allowed him to plant mustard seeds of faith in individuals and organizations. While he rarely sees the harvest of his plantings, he knows that the Holy Spirit nurtures what was planted, and those mustard seeds grow to their mature form. Praise God!

Roger is married and has two children, six grandchildren, and one great-grandson. His home base is in Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin, in Wisconsin's far Northwoods. The ministry is also based in Clovis, New Mexico.


This website aims to provide all people with Christian-based information and guidance in God's Word. The ministry Facebook group can be accessed by clicking on this link.


The content on this website and the Facebook group comes from his wife's (Kathy's) and Roger's own experiences, other Christian websites, and contributions from churches and group members as inspired by the Holy Spirit.


No religious or secular organization funds Tumbleweed Ministries. Financial resources come from God by the means He chooses and encourages.

Roger Early, Chaplain

Contact us for prayer requests, questions, and all ministry inquieries.

Tel: 715-892-7002

  • Tumbleweed Ministry Group

Thanks for reaching out to us!

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